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Primary Ibox (Сd)White Board 1 User *. Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson

Primary Ibox (Сd)White Board 1 User *. Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson

6678 руб Заказать
It includes all the key vocabulary from the Young Learners English (YLE) Starters, Movers and Flyers tests, with customisable games that allow you to select which vocabulary you want to practise. Are you a Primary teacher looking for ready-made materials that can be used with any course or coursebook? Do you want stimulating activities that you know your pupils will enjoy? Then Primary i-Box CD-ROM is just what you need! Designed to make learning fun and encourage real communication in the Primary classroom, the Primary i-Box is a collection of seven teacher-led, multi-media games and activities. And to make this an even more flexible resource, all spellings and pronunciation are given in both British and American English, so you can choose! Primary i-Box can be used with an interactive whiteboard or a computer and projector and is compatible with both Mac and PC. Adapted from the popular photocopiable resource books, Cambridge Copy Collection Primary Boxes, it will appeal to a range of different teaching and learning styles. A multi-classroom version is also available. This CD-ROM is suitable for single classroom use.
Из серии: I-Software
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