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Mansfield Park. Джейн Остин, Jane Austen

Mansfield Park. Джейн Остин, Jane Austen

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Growing up with her cousins Tom, Edmund, Maria and Julia, she is aware that she is different from them and that her place in society cannot be taken for granted, although she is not treated unkindly. At the age of ten, shy, vulnerable Fanny Price leaves behind her impoverished family in Portsmouth to go and live with her rich relatives at Mansfield Park. They succeed in dazzling everyone at Mansfield Park, except for Fanny, who sees through their shallow veneer. A dashing couple from London, Mary Crawford and her brother Henry, enter this stable, rural world.
Из серии: Penguin Popular Classics
2007. Throughout the dramatic events that follow it is she who is able to bring back some stability to the ruptured lives of those around her.
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