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Daodejing. Лао-цзы

Daodejing. Лао-цзы

306 руб Заказать
It encapsulates the main tenets of Daoism, and upholds a way of being as well as a philosophy and a religion. "The best-loved of all the classical books of China and the most universally popular, the Daodejing or Classic of the Way and the Life-Force is a work that defies definition. A life-giving stream, the Way gives rise to all things and holds them in her motherly embrace. The dominant image is of the Way, the mysterious path through the whole cosmos modelled on the great Silver River or Milky Way that traverses the heavens. " This new translation draws on the latest archaeological finds and brings out the word play and poetry of the original. It enables the individual, and society as a whole, to harmonize the disparate demands of daily life and achieve a more profound level of understanding.
Из серии: Oxford World`s Classics
2008. Simple commentary accompanies the text, and the introduction provides further historical and interpretive context.
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