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Oper St Folk Tales From Around World. Rosemary Border

Oper St Folk Tales From Around World. Rosemary Border

275 руб Заказать
Her children remember the stories. Every night, a mother tells stories. And their children tell the stories to their children. When they grow up, they tell them to their children. In different places, people tell different stories. This goes on for hundreds of years. They are part of family life. Nobody knows who made up these old stories. In Germany, a village is full of rats. They are folk tales. In America, a man wakes after a long sleep. A strange man arrives to help. In Japan, a boy draws dragons. He finds the world has changed. In England, a poor man becomes rich because of his cat. They save his life. Find out where she finds them. In Africa, a mother looks for stories.
Из серии: Oxford Progressive English Readers
2005. Read on to enjoy these tales from around the world.
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