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Oper St Emperor`S Class Compact Diskothe S (Anderson). Hans Christian Andersen

Oper St Emperor`S Class Compact Diskothe S (Anderson). Hans Christian Andersen

275 руб Заказать
Two men sell him a suit. An emperor loves clothes. What do you think it looks like? A brave tin soldier falls in love. But only clever people can see it. Then one day something happens to him. Will he be happy? A duckling thinks he is ugly. He forgets the bird that sings to him. What could that be? An emperor gets a new toy. It brings him anything he wants. What happens next? A soldier finds a magic tinderbox. But his bride must be a real princess. What will he wish for? A prince wants to marry. What does she do? Read these favourite fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen to find the answers. The Queen has an interesting way to find one.
Из серии: Oxford Progressive English Readers
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