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Objective First Certificate 2 Edition Work Book (С Ответами). Wendy Sharp, Annette Capel

Objective First Certificate 2 Edition Work Book (С Ответами). Wendy Sharp, Annette Capel

500 руб Заказать
A clear organisation and fresh approach have already made it a popular route to success at FCE in many countries: thirty short units provide thorough training in exam skills, solid language development, and lively class discussion. This popular First Certificate course has been updated to prepare students for the new examination syllabus introduced from December 2008. The Workbook with answers contains extra Reading, Writing, Grammar and Vocabulary practice. The course is written by experienced authors who have an in-depth knowledge of the FCE exam, and understand the needs of both students and teachers alike.
Из серии: Objective
2008. It is suitable for self-study students.
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