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Leonardo Davinci. Charles Nicholl

Leonardo Davinci. Charles Nicholl

521 руб Заказать
Prize-winning author Charles Nicholl has immersed himself in manuscripts, paintings and artefacts to produce an intimate portrait of Leonardo. Leonardo is the greatest, most multi-faceted and most mysterious of all Renaissance artists, but extraordinarily, considering his enormous reputation, this is the first full-length biography in English for several decades. The book identifies what Nicholl argues is an unknown portrait of the artist hanging in a church near Lodi in northern Italy. He uses these contemporary materials - his notebooks and sketchbooks, eye witnesses and early biographies, etc - as a way into the mental tone and physical texture of his life and has made many discoveries about him, his work and his circle of associates. This is a masterpiece of modern biography. It also contains new material on his eccentric assistant Tomasso Masini, his homosexual affairs in Florence, and his curious relationship with a female model and/or prostitute from Cremona.
Из серии: Penguin Celebrations
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