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The Nature of Monsters. Clare Clark

The Nature of Monsters. Clare Clark

521 руб Заказать
When her lover casts her off, denying their union, she is forced to travel to London, a city that attracts and alarms her in equal measure. It is 1718 and, in a small parish near Newcastle, Eliza Tally, a headstrong girl of 15, embarks on a reckless love affair that will prove her undoing. From the highly-acclaimed author of "The Great Stink" comes a gloriously-written tale of consuming passions and obsessions. There she takes up a position in the house of an apothecary, Grayson Black, whom she trusts to salvage what remains of her reputation.
2008. Set against the clamour and roar of eighteenth-century London, "The Nature of Monsters" brings vividly to life a world where the line separating science and madness is dangerously blurred, and where a single life counts for little in the relentless pursuit of progress.
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