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Me Split Editionages 3 Work Book Pack + Audio (Сd)/(Сd)

Me Split Editionages 3 Work Book Pack + Audio (Сd)/(Сd)

607 руб Заказать
Each level contains six modules of two units, each divided into three manageable "steps". "Messages" is a four-level course for lower-secondary students. Each level of the course provides 80-90 hours of classwork with lots of recycling in regular four-page review sections. Clear aims and outcomes for each step mean students can put what they learn into practice immediately. The course takes students to an intermediate level by the end of Level 4. Level 1 assumes students have studied English at primary level, but gives full coverage of all basic language areas. It also contains a CD-ROM animated tour of one of the Info quests from the "Messages" website, together with the website address. The Audio CD/CD-ROM inside this Workbook contains the recordings for all of the listening exercises in the Workbook and 72 CD-ROM exercises to practise grammar, vocabulary and reading.
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