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Laser B1  (+CD). Malcolm Mann

Laser B1 (+CD). Malcolm Mann

755 руб Заказать
The Laser series has been revised and updated to include PET preparation tasks and changes to the Cambridge ESOL FCE examination. Laser B1 is part of a modern and exciting three-level course designed for young students.
2011. KEY FEATURES - Integrates development of key reading, writing, listening and speaking skills - Includes CD-ROM providing motivating reinforcement of the structures and vocabulary - Dictionary corner sections, focusing on topic-based lexis, collocations, word formation and phrasal verbs - Comprehensive practice in PET-and revised FCE-type exam tasks - Revision sections after every two units - 16 Composition Planners, providing detailed and comprehensive guidance - Lists of key collocations and phrasal verbs - Grammar database providing easy-to-use, detailed grammar reference.
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