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An Ideal Husband (+ CD). Оскар Уайльд, Oscar Wilde

An Ideal Husband (+ CD). Оскар Уайльд, Oscar Wilde

489 руб Заказать
The aim of these volumes is to familiarise readers with the language of literature and encourage them to formulate their own response to what they read. INTERACT WITH LITERATURE offers a wide range of original literary texts from intermediate level upwards (unabridged short stories or extracts from novels, as well as complete unabridged plays) from English-speaking countries, designed to introduce students to the world of literature. Introduction, notes and activities by James Butler and Lucia De Vanna This play is set in the dazzling social world of 1890s London. Each volume concentrates on a particular theme, genre or literary current. Oscar Wilde’s play combines farce, verbal wit and satire in this gripping comedy. It is the world of the aristocrat and the dandy – and it is also the world of shabby political and financial intrigue. Book + CD
Из серии: Interact with Literature. The play also contains an argument on the nature of love, and the need for women to forgive rather than idealise their husbands.
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