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Fiesta! 2 Ro Describing English Language Alumno. Margarita L. Avendano, L. Belen Munoz

Fiesta! 2 Ro Describing English Language Alumno. Margarita L. Avendano, L. Belen Munoz

1210 руб Заказать
Its funcional and pragmatic view of the language makes it simple and Fiesta is a series for teenagers who have just started to study Spanish. Fiesta is a two-level serie for 13-15 year old adolescents who are just beginning to study Spanish. Fiesta is the story of a group of teenagers from different countries who discover the Spanish language and culture through different communicative situations. Its functional and pragmatic view of the language makes this course simple and effective in classroom. Real documents to work the contents in context. -Real documents to work the contents in context. Activities in order to develop and integrate the contents already studied. Speaking and oral interaction activities. Listening activities. Grammar contents. Cultural and crosscultural issues. Reading and writing activities. Final global activity or task and summarize of grammar contents. Pronunciation and spelling. Multilingual glossary in 5 languages is included. At the end of each lesson there is a self-evaluation according to European Portfolio.
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