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First Certificate English Gold Plus Maximiser + Key (+Cd). Judith Wilson, Sally Burgess

First Certificate English Gold Plus Maximiser + Key (+Cd). Judith Wilson, Sally Burgess

602 руб Заказать
The Maximiser: * recycles and reviews the grammar and vocabulary presented in the Coursebook* is packed with further language and skills practice in exam format for each exam paper with exam strategies and guidance* contains one complete practice test for timed practice in the run up to the exam* accompanied by audio CDs for the Maximiser listening exercises allowing students to practise listening at home*(with Key) edition includes annotated answers and audio script
2008. The Maximiser is a unique combination of workbook and exam handbook, which can be used for immediate follow-up work in class or for homework, intensive exam preparation after completing the Coursebook, or by students preparing for the exam independently.
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