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Readers 2 Starry Sky. Deborah Lock, Kate Hayden

Readers 2 Starry Sky. Deborah Lock, Kate Hayden

260 руб Заказать
Find out what stars are and how they are formed and dramatically die, watch the stunning sky as it changes during the year, follow stories behind the names, and study stars using powerful telescopes. With DK Readers, children learn to read - then read to learn Twinkle, twinkle - fascinating facts about stars, their patterns and life. Level 2 have long sentences, increased vocabulary, information boxes and a simple index - read them together with children who are beginning to read alone and with early or reluctant readers. DK Readers are part of a four-level highly pictorial reading scheme, which uses lively illustrations and engaging stories to encourage reading.
Из серии: DK Readers Level 2
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