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Clave De Sol 2 Ro Describing English Language Alumno. Maria Luiz Valencia

Clave De Sol 2 Ro Describing English Language Alumno. Maria Luiz Valencia

974 руб Заказать
It develops communication skills through stories and easy-to-do activities. Clave de sol is designed for preadolescent beginners in Spanish. This course have a particularly user-friendly format for the students. It develops oral communication skills without neglecting written comprehension and expression. Sol is the main character of Clave the Sol. Every review includes a board game that will encourage and motivate students. She will share Miguels family, friends, school, etc. She is a videogame character that one day, all of a sudden, jumped into Miguels real world.
2006. and she will find out how people live in the real world.
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