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Cambridge Discovery Readers 4 Robin Son Crusoe(+Cd). Daniel Defoe

Cambridge Discovery Readers 4 Robin Son Crusoe(+Cd). Daniel Defoe

645 руб Заказать
An adaptation of the classic story about a young man who is shipwrecked on an island near South America. Discover the pleasure of reading with this new seven-level series of original fiction, adapted fiction and factbooks specifically written for teenagers and young adults. Graded to seven levels with the teenage language learner in mind, Cambridge Discovery Readers exposes students to English in a lively and engaging way. Crusoe eventually meets another person on the island and their friendship leads to his escape and return to the country he left as a young man, almost thirty years before. Each title is available in either British or American English and comes with additional vocabulary practice activities on the CD-ROM and a complete audio recording. Attractive and original illustrations help students to check their understanding, while integrated activities consolidate new vocabulary and encourage independent learning.
Из серии: Cambridge Discovery Readers
2009. The accompanying website includes lesson plans and worksheets for every title, as well as teaching tips and a level placement test giving teachers all the support they need to encourage extensive reading amongst their students.
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