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CAE Gold plus. Сoursebook (2 CD). Nick Kenny, Jacky Newbrook, Richard Acklam

CAE Gold plus. Сoursebook (2 CD). Nick Kenny, Jacky Newbrook, Richard Acklam

396 руб Заказать
CAE Gold Plus corresponds to level C1 of the Common European Framework. Gold Plusis the updated edition of Gold, the trusted exam preparation course for adult and young adult learners. - The Coursebook is divided into 14 units with a language review at the end of each unit - Authentic texts, motivating topics and fun communication activities engage students of different ages - Graded texts and exam tasks allow students to become familiar with the exam format while building their confidence - Extensive Writing Reference section including model answers develops writing skills - Grammar reference provides information on all the key language points iTest CD ROM provides authentic exam practice with instant feedback allowing students to identify areas which require further practice
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