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Asi Me Gusta 2 Ro Describing English Language Alumno. Estrella Lopez, Carme Arbones, Begona Montmany, Vicenta Gonzalez

Asi Me Gusta 2 Ro Describing English Language Alumno. Estrella Lopez, Carme Arbones, Begona Montmany, Vicenta Gonzalez

1352 руб Заказать
This material is flexible and suitable for different teaching styles and makes the job easier for the teacher as well as for the student. Asi me gusta is a two-level series designed to develop learners communication skills. It is based on the communicative approach, where all the skills are integrated in the sequence of activities: listening, speaking, writing, reading and interaction. This course focuses on the learners general and linguistic skills as well as on the emotional and actual appropriation of the language. At the bottom of each page the student will see (in red colour) the contents of the lesson and the one that is underlined, is the content the student is working on that page. o The structure of the book is particularly user-friendly it makes the student to know what he/she is learning in that moment. Teachers book offers a great support with suggestions about how to make a good use of the activities in the Students book. Asi me gusta has two CD with real dialogs. The index, instructions for activities and grammar explanations are in English. Asi me gusta (Spanish course) is a bilingual adaptation of Asi me gusta 1 (A1-A2).
2005. Workbook and Teachers Book are also in English.
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