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Une vie de pintade a Moscou. Leroyer Madeleine

Une vie de pintade a Moscou. Leroyer Madeleine

497 руб Заказать
" Yes, Muscovites love that shines and face the ice in stilettos. Media coverage of Pussy Riot has dusted off the myth of the "Russian wife. Like their city, they need to get up close to enjoy their charm: they reveal so curious, cultured and charming. But, determined to take revenge on seven decades of communism, they are also passionate and committed bosseuses. Share their addresses manicure and enjoy the culinary perestroika in their favorite restaurants. Discover with them backyards where hide workshops creative fashion, follow them to the rink or in the famous bathhouses. Is not a guinea hen or a turkey and certainly not a woodcock, but the symbol of the modern woman, serious and frivolous at a time. With them, you do not get bored.
Из серии: Le Livre de Poche
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