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Joel Desgrippes and Marc Gobe on the Emotional Brand Experience. Anne Hellman-White

Joel Desgrippes and Marc Gobe on the Emotional Brand Experience. Anne Hellman-White

1187 руб Заказать
This exciting new book shares the expertise of the world-renowned Degrippes Gobe team on a design subject for which they are widely recognised - emotional branding. Degrippes Gobe is an internationally sought-after firm that is leading the industry with groundbreaking work. Using sketches, notes and final pieces, Degrippes Gobe reveal their design process and the intricacies that have made them so successful. The authors provide practical information by not only reviewing their own work, but by looking at other strong work in the field. This unique master class will provide readers with a better understanding of how to take their own work to the next level by offering their clients designs and branding strategies that make a difference by connecting on an emotional level. Speaking candidly about client expectations, they explore the successes and failures of particular projects to help readers understand how they achieved the end result.
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