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Land Law Directions. Sandra Clarke, Sarah Greer

Land Law Directions. Sandra Clarke, Sarah Greer

2461 руб Заказать
Case summaries, photographs, and examples are used throughout to provide real-life context and clarify abstract ideas, while diagrams and definitions ensure the text is easy to follow and that key points are understood. With a modern, student-friendly writing style, Land Law Directions excels in providing engaging and straightforward explanations of even the most difficult concepts. A final chapter pulls together key details from each chapter, showing how topics link together and apply to a fictional piece of land. With extensive experience teaching undergraduates, the authors provide a full range of resources designed to help build upon and further your understanding, including thinking points, end of chapter questions and tips on linking topics together. Land Law Directions innovative features, easy-to-read style and practical advice make this the ideal all-round textbook to prepare you for success in both exams and the workplace. An additional separate chapter focuses on preparing for exams, offering advice on approaching assessment questions and revision technique. oxfordtextbooks. This book is also accompanied by an extensive Online Resource Centre (www. uk/orc/clarke directions3e/) which includes the following features: - additional topics for further study - revision podcasts - multiple choice questions - interactive glossary of key land law terminology - suggested approaches to the end of chapter questions in the text - updates to the law - useful weblinks. co.
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