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Palliative Medicine. Neil MacDonald

Palliative Medicine. Neil MacDonald

2800 руб Заказать
Medical education across the board is adopting a case-based approach. Palliative care is now an integral part of the undergraduate medical curriculum. The case-studies have been carefully chosen to reflect real life clinical practice. This book uses a series of cases to illustrate critical points in palliative medicine. Since publication of the second edition, many approaches to palliative care have been further refined and developed. The contributors illustrate, through the case studies, the desired skills, attitudes, and knowledge required in this field of medicine. More is known about the psychosocial existential distress experienced by patients and their families resulting in an improved understanding by health care providers of how best to approach and assist those affected by advanced illness, and more is known about methadone and other medications with emerging uses. Ongoing research has led to the improved use of existing medications, and the development of several new treatments. It introduces a number of new topics including Neurological Disorders, The Last Days, and Palliative Sedation. The third edition of this highly popular book continues to offer a panoramic view of palliative care.
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