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Full-Color Men and Women Illustrations (+ CD). Dover Publications Inc.

Full-Color Men and Women Illustrations (+ CD). Dover Publications Inc.

528 руб Заказать
Derived from a remarkable array of vintage materials these Victorian era illustratio portray men and women from a broad range of historical periods and cultures - dowagers and debutantes, soldiers and sailors, mandarins, medieval monarchs and Indian princesses, and gentlemen of every description sporting top hats, powdered wigs, and other regalia. This dazzling CD ROM and book collection of full color illustrations features a brilliant assortment of nostalgic images compiled from rare and expensive antique chromolithographs. Printed one side only with acid-free paper and ink, the illustrations are also ideal for use in scrapbooks, memory albums, and more. Rich in authentic period flavor, these vivid, copyright-free images will not only add an appealing touch to graphic assignments, but will also provide an inexhaustible source of material for collagists, decoupeurs, and other craftworkers.
Из серии: Dover full-color electronic design
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