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Organization Theory. Tomas Mullern

Organization Theory. Tomas Mullern

3394 руб Заказать
The authors take a practice-based approach, identifying questions, problems and issues that are perceived as pertinent by practitioners, and using these as the starting point to identify the relevant theories. This textbook presents organization theory in an exciting new way, moving away from a traditional linear historical narrative approach, to present students with an approach that offers both relevancy and appeal. Online Resource Centre: For students: Further Reading and Research: Comprising of web links and web link updates linking to organization and company websites, plus additional readings and articles. This means that students will find it easier to engage with the material and more attention is paid to issues such as boundary spanning, leadership, quality management, strategic change, and development psychology/organizational learning; areas that are not always covered in other textbooks. For lecturers: Academics will also have access to additional case studies and notes, alongside all artworks from the text to create customised PowerPoint slides. What happened next : as appropriate, cases from within the textbook will continue to be updated on the Online Resource Centre.
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