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Sacred Land. Palmer Martin

Sacred Land. Palmer Martin

1286 руб Заказать
There has been a dramatic growth in interest in our own history, buildings, landscape, sacred places, beliefs and culture over the last few years and this book will equip you with the tools to unlock the meaning, stories and history that are literally embedded in our landscape. SACRED LAND will enable you to discover the hidden secrets and meaning of the landscape around you, town or country, modern or old, wherever you live in Britain. In the literal shape of our countryside can be detected the eddies of time, politics, belief, warfare, passion and the durability of the human existence. It takes us from street names to churches; from hill forts to burial mounds; from the way a road bends to the shapes of fields in order to understand better the land that lies beneath our feet. It will be of interest to everyone who loves history, sacred places and sacred history, and those who like to explore their ancestry and roots. SACRED LAND is a fascinating, accessible read and the perfect reference guide to have in your home or in your car.
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