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The Obscure Logic of the Heart. Priya Basil

The Obscure Logic of the Heart. Priya Basil

439 руб Заказать
In a bustling London cafe, Anil, now a famous architect, sits waiting for Lina. This title offers an epic Romeo and Juliet for the 21st century. Lina is running for the train - punctuality has never been her strength. It is years since he last laid eyes on her, the love of his life. Together, they think back to tragedies both personal and political, betrayals large and small. After all this time she cannot be late to meet Anil. A past played out across three continents that house their rival worlds: Sikh and Muslim, wealthy and modest, liberal and orthodox, corrupt and moral. Lina has one more revelation that must be shared with Anil.
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