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IB Mathematics Standard Level. Paul La Rondie

IB Mathematics Standard Level. Paul La Rondie

2860 руб Заказать
Uniquely developed with the IB, you can trust it takes the best approach. Part of a completely new offering for IB Mathematics, this text provides extensive practice, detailed examination support, the latest GDC support and a free eBook, in addition to offering the most thorough syllabus coverage, which is crucial for the IB student. Activities make cross-curricular and real-world connections, while emphasising the historical and cultural aspects of the theory, in line with the Learner Profile. With carefully stepped activities with extensive practice, students will gain confidence in their skills. A supportive Study Guide is also available. An eBook gives students ultimate flexibility in their study, including animations to simplify challenging concepts, interactive worked solutions and full and up-to-date GDC instructions for the most commonly used calculators.
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