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Fetes Galantes, La Bonne Chanson, Precedes des Amies. Paul Verlaine

Fetes Galantes, La Bonne Chanson, Precedes des Amies. Paul Verlaine

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The Friends, which contains six sonnets dedicated to Sapphic love and secretly published. In 1867, the young Verlaine provides a distraction frivolous compose a plate. A nostalgic collection? Rather a book where the tour de force of the poet is to evoke discomfort aptly youth at the end of the Second Empire, in a setting of paradoxical lightness and carefree. Few parts, it is tempting to oppose Holidays gallant, published fifteen months later, but we should not forget how, in this collection, which takes its part of the eighteenth century a parody, as the smoldering lust. But Verlaine believes in his address when day after day to his future wife twenty-one pieces of Bonne Chanson. "They did not seem to believe in their happiness," says a holiday to gallantry. ". Ingenuous and sincere, these love poems chaste probably settle on the rest of the work, but the same skills found there: he said Banville, an "artist scientist but still become happy.
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