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Dieux eux-memes. Isaac Asimov

Dieux eux-memes. Isaac Asimov

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An extraordinary discovery, unless . In 2070, the Earth lives in prosperity and happiness through the pump Electrons, which provides free and unlimited energy. Only a few people foresaw the terrible truth: a young physicist marginal, a Lunarite intuitionist, an alien rebels living on a planet that is dying. Unless this miraculous invention constitutes a more or less long-term threat to our universe unstoppable, a trap set by a civilization parallel to annihilate our reality. With this exciting and ambitious novel which marked his return to science fiction, Isaac Asimov won the 1972 Nebula and Hugo awards and Locus 1973. But who will listen? Believe that? Against stupidity the gods themselves struggle in vain. But who will listen? Believe that? Against stupidity the gods themselves struggle in vain
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