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Oxford Dictionary for Scientific Writers and Editors. Elizabeth Martin

Oxford Dictionary for Scientific Writers and Editors. Elizabeth Martin

1342 руб Заказать
In over 9,700 entries, it reflects widely accepted usage and follows the recommendations of international scientific bodies such as IUPAC and IUPAP. his dictionary provides scientists, science writers, and all who work in scientific publishing with a clear style guide for the presentation of scientific information. Revised and fully updated, this new edition of the Oxford Dictionary for Scientific Writers and Editors includes feature entries on key areas, substantially increased coverage of the life sciences, and new entries in physics, astronomy, chemistry, computer science, and mathematics. The dictionary gives clear guidance on such matters as spellings (American English and British English), punctuation, abbreviations, prefixes and suffixes, units and quantities, and symbols. This comprehensive and authoritative A-Z guide is an invaluable tool for students, professionals, and publishers working with writing in the fields of physics, chemistry, botany, zoology, biochemistry, genetics, immunology, microbiology, astronomy, mathematics, and computer science. New and revised appendices also provide useful supplementary tables including SI units, mathematical symbols, the electromagnetic spectrum, and useful online resources.
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