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Introduction to Econometrics. Christopher Dougherty

Introduction to Econometrics. Christopher Dougherty

2885 руб Заказать
Extensive exercises are incorporated throughout to encourage students to apply the techniques and build confidence. Introduction to Econometrics provides students with clear and simple mathematics notation and step-by step explanations of mathematical proofs to give them a thorough understanding of the subject. Retaining its student-friendly approach, Introduction to Econometrics has a comprehensive revision guide to all the essential statistical concepts needed to study econometrics, more Monte Carlo simulations than before and new summaries and non-technical introductions to more advanced topics at the end of chapters. This new edition has been thoroughly revised in line with market feedback. Online Resource Centre For lecturers: - Instructor manuals for the text and data sets, detailing the exercises and their solutions - PowerPoint slides For students: - Data sets - Study guide - Software manual - PowerPoint slides with explanations - Contact the author
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