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Drugs and Drug Policy. What Everyone Needs to Know. Mark A.R. Kleiman, Jonathan P. Caulkins, Angela Hawken

Drugs and Drug Policy. What Everyone Needs to Know. Mark A.R. Kleiman, Jonathan P. Caulkins, Angela Hawken

623 руб Заказать
Those policies sometimes have terrible side-effects: most prominently the development of criminal enterprises dealing in forbidden (or untaxed) drugs and the use of the profits of drug-dealing to finance insurgency and terrorism. While there have always been norms and customs around the use of drugs, explicit public policies--regulations, taxes, and prohibitions--designed to control drug abuse are a more recent phenomenon. Neither a drug-free world nor a world of free drugs seems to be on offer, leaving citizens and officials to face the age-old problem: What are we going to do about drugs?
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