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Dictionnaire visuel Vu pour tous. Jeunesse Gallimard

Dictionnaire visuel Vu pour tous. Jeunesse Gallimard

1209 руб Заказать
An exceptional visual richness - With more than 6,000 color illustrations, captions and beautiful precisely, the Visual Dictionary for all to identify and appoint with accuracy and rigor, but also to understand how things fit together and work. A reference book for the whole family - More than 300 subjects divided into 14 main chapters astronomy, prehistory, botany, zoology, anatomy, geography, physics, chemistry, ground transportation, boats and aircraft, art, architecture, tools music, sports, familiar objects.
2006. Easy access to information with a detailed summary and a comprehensive index of over 10,000 entries, you immediately find the image you want to name the topic that interests you.
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