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Collins Grammar Rules 7+. John McIlwain

Collins Grammar Rules 7+. John McIlwain

611 руб Заказать
Essential information covered in this guide includes: Parts of speech (Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Interjections, Spotting Parts of Speech) Word building (Affixes - Prefixes and Suffixes; Derivatives and Compounds) Spelling guide (Three simple rules for better spelling; Eleven general rules) Using a dictionary (Alphabetical order, Pronunciation, Parts of speech, Phrases and idioms, Word origins) Synonyms and antonyms (Using a thesaurus to find synonyms, Making antonyms) The Sentence (Word order, Phrases, Clauses, Types of sentence, Sentence construction) Punctuation (Ending a sentence, Punctuation within sentences, Punctuation within words, Punctuation of speech, Punctuation of plays The Paragraph (The topic sentence, Types of paragraph, Writing a paragraph, Using connectives, Sentence variation) Special uses of language (Register, Standard English, Informal language, Special effects)
2012. Indispensable grammar support for ages 9+ , this lively handbook provides short, clear definitions of all key grammatical concepts plus lots of examples, tips on spelling, and dictionary and thesaurus work.
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