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Little Book of Drugs. Vanessa Rogers

Little Book of Drugs. Vanessa Rogers

1156 руб Заказать
The engaging activities explore different types of drugs and their effects, and issues such as risks, consequences, peer pressure, attitudes to drug-taking, and drugs and the media. Many teenagers will come into contact with drugs, but do they know all the facts about drugs? What should they do if they feel pressured into taking drugs? Do they know the effects of taking drugs, and what the consequences might be? This resource is packed with activities that inform young people about drugs, encourage them to think and talk about their values and attitudes to drugs, and help them make positive choices. With fun and imaginative activities ranging from ice-breakers and quizzes to role-play and poster-making, this book is suitable for use with young people aged 11 - 19, in groups and on-to-one. This second edition is fully updated and contains many new activities.
2012. Teachers, youth workers, drug support workers, youth offending teams and social workers will all find this an invaluable resource.
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