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Lelia. Sand George

Lelia. Sand George

705 руб Заказать
The heroine is a woman of action, but devoured by the demon of analysis, and whose charm works well on men: the poet Stenio (one thinks of Musset), converted the old adventurer Trenmor, the hermit Magnus . This novel (1833) is less inspired by the life of the person of George Sand. Stenio found it there and it is the Sand drame. Lelia seeks peace by becoming the abbess of a convent. Lelia, she added, means disappointment, suffering, and defiant heart withered, despair. George distinguished itself in his book a psychological issue, a social issue (women in society), the poetry of the characters, the style that reflects this poetry. The author brings a philosophy of despair lucid, serving a great book. - Stenio means hope and confidence in the future, love.
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