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Postmodernism. Style and Subversion 1970-90. Glenn Adamson, Jane Pavitt

Postmodernism. Style and Subversion 1970-90. Glenn Adamson, Jane Pavitt

2350 руб Заказать
Postmodernism: Style and Subversion 1970-90 presents the movement as not merely an aesthetic vocabulary, but also as a subversive attitude - a new way of looking at the world. The radical ideas associated with Postmodernism swept through the arts in the 1970s, but have always been hard to summarise. It covers architecture, interiors and urban planning; product, graphic and furniture design; the fashion and style industries; and photography, film, television and video - everything from MTV and Grace Jones, to White Noise and Bladerunner, Thierry Mugler and Commes des Garcons. Bringing together practitioners, theorists and critics, this groundbreaking book assesses the impact of the phenomenon on all areas of art and design.
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