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Backpack Gold 6. Workbook (+ CD). Mario Herrera, Diane Pinkley

Backpack Gold 6. Workbook (+ CD). Mario Herrera, Diane Pinkley

421 руб Заказать
Backpack Gold is packed with child-friendly topics, catchy songs and chants, stickers, games, stories, hands-on projects, extensive reading and writing materials and TPR activities. Reach into Backpack Gold for a richly illustrated, seven-level communicative-course that motivates primary learners and supports teachers. Young learners will succeed with Backpack Gold! New features: All new music helps students engage with songs New values curriculum teaches citizenship and strengthens the home-school connection New Picture Dictionary (Starter), Sound and Spelling Handbooks (levels 1-3) and Grammar and Writing Handbooks (Levels 4-6) in the Students Books and Workbooks provide support and practice New Assessment Package offers teachers’ tips, techniques, tests and a test generator Updated Interactive Whiteboard Software engages students and helps sustain motivation
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