" Supernatural being, demon of madness, the Horla devours the soul of Maupassant. "That night I felt somebody leaning on me, and who, on his mouth sucking my life between my lips. Another crazy, tragic, is that of a mountain guide, isolated in the snow and anguish of loneliness. With stunning realism, this, great storyteller describes the evil will prevail. We feel the approach of death as the old aristocrat enjoyer of peasant cunning. Maupassant also knows how to say love, that of the teal shot for his mate, that of the girl, Tinker Bell, who throws himself out the window. Maupassant wanted to "write the emotion of the simple reality. The tone of these new changes, in turn cynical, saucy or sentimental. Из серии: Le Livre de Poche
2000. " But beneath the apparent simplicity of the storyteller, this reality, always simmering, can become disturbing, thrilling, terrible.