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Computer Applications in Second Language Acquisition. Carol A. Chapelle

Computer Applications in Second Language Acquisition. Carol A. Chapelle

1481 руб Заказать
It offers a unique view of the topic by examining computer applications through perspectives from applied linguistics; it identifies cross-disciplinary work relevant to software development, use, and evaluation; and it suggests critical research directions. Computer Applications in Second Language Acquisition explores computer applications in second language acquisition by reviewing and interpreting research and development in three areas: computer-assisted second language learning, computer-assisted second language assessment, and computer-assisted second language research - addressing issues such as effective use of software in language teaching, values and limitations of computer-assisted testing, and the study of second language development with interactive computer programs.
Из серии: Cambridge Applied Linguistics
2001. This is the first single volume on computer applications in the field which includes issues in teaching, assessment, and SLA research, and which treats evaluation extensively.
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