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Bien Dicho (+CD). Raquel Pinilla

Bien Dicho (+CD). Raquel Pinilla

1418 руб Заказать
Cada titulo trabaja una destreza principalmente: comprension auditiva, interaccion oral, comprension lectora; expresion escrita. Coleccion de cuatro titulos centrados en las actividades comunicativas de la lengua para niveles A1, A2, B1. Solucionario de todas las actividades en cada titulo. Material complementario para la clase de espanol o para trabajar de forma autonoma. This book designed to develop oral skills through a gradual practice. Bien Dicho! belongs to the collection Espanol por Destrezas that deals with the development of the linguistic skills throughout activities in the different levels. The CD includes models of all types of conversations. Students will practice oral skills within a wide variety of oral interactions. This book aims to provide fluency to students according to their teaching-learning stage
Из серии: Espanol por Destrezas
2005. The main course objective is that students have the capacity to take part correctly in Spanish communicative situations.
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