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Agencia ELE 1 (A1) (+CD). Manuela Gil Toresano

Agencia ELE 1 (A1) (+CD). Manuela Gil Toresano

1496 руб Заказать
1, B1. Manual dividido en los niveles A1+, A2, B1. 1; B2. 2, B2. Enfoque comunicativo que sigue una metodologia orientada a la accion. 2 del Marco Comun Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas: Ensenanza, Aprendizaje; Evaluacion. Con Agencia ELE, el alumno participa en interacciones sociales, toma consciencia de la diversidad cultural; controla su proceso de aprendizaje. Construccion de las competencias pragmatica, linguistica; sociolinguistica del estudiante. A Spanish course divided into levels A1+, A2, B1. Material multimedia de apoyo en internet: actividades de pronunciacion, tests de repaso, tareas de refuerzo, web quest, etc. 2, B2. 1, B1. 2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages: Teaching, Learning, Assessment. 1 and B2. Construction of the student s Pragmatic, Linguistic and Sociolinguistic skills. Communicative approach following action-oriented methods. Multimedia unit support material on the Internet: pronunciation activities, revision tests, reinforcement tasks, webquest, etc. With Agencia ELE, students participate in social interaction, become aware of cultural diversity and control their learning process. 1, B1. A Spanish course divided into levels A1+, A2, B1. 1 and B2. 2, B2. Communicative approach following action-oriented methods. 2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages: Teaching, Learning, Assessment. With Agencia ELE, students participate in social interaction, become aware of cultural diversity and control their learning process. Construction of the student s Pragmatic, Linguistic and Sociolinguistic skills. Multimedia unit support material on the Internet: pronunciation activities, revision tests, reinforcement tasks, webquest, etc
Из серии: Agencia ELE
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