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Rough Guide Hawaii. Greg Ward

Rough Guide Hawaii. Greg Ward

1610 руб Заказать
It covers the six major islands - Oahu, The Big Island, Maui, Lanai, Molokai and Kauai - with reviews of the best resorts, hotels, restaurants and nightlife for every taste and budget. The Rough Guide to Hawaii is the essential travel guide to this breathtaking archipelago. The Rough Guide to Hawaii goes deeper than any other guide, taking a detailed look at Hawaiian history, culture, language and music, giving you a rounded understanding of the newest US state. The guide includes practical advice on exploring all the attractions, from gushing volcanoes and secluded beaches to lush rainforests and dramatic coastlines, and details all you need to know about windsurfing, scuba-diving, hiking and more. Make the most of your holiday with The Rough Guide to Hawaii . And with dozens of easy-to-use maps, photographs and a full-colour section, this guide is your essential companion to Hawaii.
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