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A Fondo 2 Superior Libro del alumno. Coronado Gonzalez

A Fondo 2 Superior Libro del alumno. Coronado Gonzalez

1086 руб Заказать
These levels are equivalent to the B2 and C1 levels of the Common European Framework of Reference. This series consists of two levels: A fondo, Nivel avanzado (Advanced level) and A fondo, Nivel superior (Higher level). The written and oral materials are original and come from news released by the press. Each level contains nine lessons, structured around a thematic core that deals with subjects such as emigration, the labor world, the radio, the environment, etc. Students will work on oral and written comprehension and expression. Each unit is divided into three sections: grammar, vocabulary and functions. In addition, there is a revision section every three units and another one to encourage learners to read literary texts. The authors have also focused on sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects of the language.
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