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Veufs. Boileau-Narcejac

Veufs. Boileau-Narcejac

509 руб Заказать
When he realizes he has been trapped by appearances, it is too late: he killed the man he believed to be the lover of his wife, Mathilde . Serge Merkin, who runs the stamp actor and writer in his spare time, is a morbid jealousy. Husband scoffed, Serge vulgar murderer finds himself hunted by the police. In fact, Meryl, the victim was his boss, a renowned fashion designer, with whom she prepared in great secrecy a revolutionary new collection. Matilda the press to make themselves known, but Serge evades. The irony is that the lovers, the novel that he wrote anonymously, is rewarded with a prestigious literary prize. When he awoke, he discovered that another claimed authorship of the novel. The young woman was killed in a car accident, while Serge was seriously injured. What is his surprise when the "successful writer" contacted him to ask him to help write the film adaptation .
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