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Longman Preparation Course For The TOEFL Test (+ CD). Deborah Phillips

Longman Preparation Course For The TOEFL Test (+ CD). Deborah Phillips

1490 руб Заказать
This book/CD-ROM package gives students all the tools they need to succeed on the TOEFL® paper-based test. Skills -- Strategies -- Confidence. In the Student Book: # Complete language skills instruction for skills tested on both the TOEFL® paper test and the Test of Written English. Providing both a comprehensive language skills course and a wealth of practice for all sections of the paper test, the Longman Preparation Course is appropriate for courses in TOEFL® test preparation or as a supplement to more general ESL courses. Diagnostic pre-tests and evaluation post-tests for each section that allow students to identify their strengths and weaknesses. # Longer reading passages that reflect the latest testing format. # Five complete Practice Tests that familiarize students with the actual test format and timing. # Practice exercises for each of the language skills that maximize understanding and retention. * Pop-up explanations to enhance understanding. In the CD-ROM: * An additional 1,450 test questions in both practice sections and three more simulated tests. A separate audio program -- available on your choice of cassettes or CDs -- includes the complete materials from the Listening Comprehension section and Complete Tests in the text. * Easy-to-use scoring and record keeping to monitor progress.
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