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The Car Design Yearbook 2

The Car Design Yearbook 2

375 руб Заказать
An easily navigated A–Z of all the latest models from around the world, this book engagingly describes and illustrates around 130 cars, highlighting their key stylistic features and innovations. This is the second, entirely new edition of the phenomenally successful annual guide to all the new production and concept cars unveiled during the twelve months leading up to the book’s publication. Available technical data for every car is also provided. Each vehicle is brought vividly to life in a series of stunning photographs and original renderings, showing exterior and interior design features, the vehicle’s stylistic development and its engine layout – over 800 colour illustrations in all. No one interested in cars – whether as an industry insider or a car enthusiast – can afford to be without this definitive guide. The Car Design Yearbook remains the most comprehensive annual reference to the latest trends in car design worldwide ever published. .
2003. Формат: 25 cм x..
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