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Urban Guerrilla Protest. Ake Rudolf

Urban Guerrilla Protest. Ake Rudolf

1058 руб Заказать
Ake Rudolf has documented the growth of this movement, focusing on the events, organizations, inventions and factions active between 1995 and 2005. Ever since the 1999 WTO protests in Seattle, the world at large has been made aware of the grassroots, DIY approach to giving voice to opinions that have been long confined to the margins of the media. Urban Guerrilla Protest features well-known activists such as Reverend Billy, and lesser know, yet no less effective, protesters like the Billboard Liberation Front and Hektor, a remote-control graffiti robot. In doing so, Rudolf demonstrates the verve and innovation that these urban guerrillas employ, whether they are denouncing globalization or reclaiming the streets from advertisers. Readers are left with proof that no matter how much the world may seem hemmed in by enormous corporate conglomerates, the voices of the people. This highly visual book shows the efforts of these protestors, working all over the world, for any number of causes.
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