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Electric Power Principles. James L. Kirtley

Electric Power Principles. James L. Kirtley

3899 руб Заказать
To impart a thorough grounding in electric power systems, it begins with an informative discussion on per–unit normalizations, symmetrical components and iterative load flow calculations. This innovative approach to the fundamentals of electric power provides the most rigorous, comprehensive and modern treatment available. With classroom–tested material, this book also presents: the principles of electromechanical energy conversion and magnetic circuits; synchronous machines – the most important generators of electric power; power electronics; induction and direct current electric motors. Covering important topics within the power system, such as protection and DC transmission, this book looks at both traditional power plants and those used for extracting sustainable energy from wind and sunlight. Homework problems with varying levels of difficulty are included at the end of each chapter, and an online solutions manual for tutors is.
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