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Access to Life. MAGNUM. Magnum Photos

Access to Life. MAGNUM. Magnum Photos

1775 руб Заказать
Over the past few years, however, a quiet global revolution has enabled millions infected by HIV to live healthy lives through the free antiretroviral treatment program initiated by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. For the past 25 years, the AIDS pandemic has inflicted excruciating pain upon humanity, having ravaged the lives of millions of people around the world. Here are the faces, voices, and stories representing millions of people who would otherwise be dead if not for access to free life-saving drugs. In Access to Life , eight of the worlds leading photojournalists, all members of Magnum Photos, follow 30 individuals in nine countries before, and four months after, they began the antiretroviral treatment, documenting the transformative effect on their bodies, their lives, and the lives of their families.
2009. But there are also the stories of those individuals for whom treatment came too lateshowing how the fight to bring access to AIDS treatment is still a difficult one.
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